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RefleCt|oN^On^ThE^AwAk|nG^TeAr (mIRC Nick)


U Know My Name Very Well, But i think that One Time More I introduce my Self.Yawar Khan Sadozai Is Here.Me Doing B-Tech In Meachnical Engg.

My Date Of Birth Is 17-Sep-1979. My Star Is Virgo.If U Know About My Hobbies Then i tell U, My Hobbies is Sweeming, Music, Chatting, Chess, Making Goood & Sincere Friend. My Favourite Colour Is Green & Sky Blue.

My Best Friends! -[-_-]-

Here i am going to tell you some thing about My Best Friends Or You can say My Brother & intoduce my Brothers to You.
I have many Friends but one Or two Friends is like a Brother Or Say that You Share all those thing that u can't tell to any one. So At this type of friend is Three, Who Live In My Heart.
There Is One name is IMRAN JAVED. He is my Cousin & we together from the time when we are Child.so we both enjoy together our days when we are Child ;).Now-a-days he is in Saudia.
2nd one is My Class Fellow after Matric whose name is ASAD ALI AWAN & we are together since 1996 till now & Pray to ALLAH that we are together at the Last Breath.
And In Last One Who i am introduce he is my COusin,Name AMER HAYAT KHAN SADOZAI but you can say he is my big Brother, My Friend. He is very caring Person, Loving Person & many many more Qualities in it.
I Pray to ALLAH that we are both together and never crashes in Our Friend ship.AMIN :)

My Friends! {-_-}

I say To you Up That i have many friends so now i have write only name. SAJJAD HABIB, FAYAZ & SHARIYAR is my cousin AMER friends but Now he is also my Friends ;). BILAL H SAIDDQUI my class fellow from 7th class to 3rd year. AAMIR ELAHI he is my college class fellow.Asad, Amer and me in same class in College. WAQAS,IJAZ SHAH, SILAHUDDIN MUGHAL are also my good friends & we live same place & alots of my friends but i can't wrote all name here. So plz Don't mind my friends ;)

Zindaghii Bohat Piyari ha Bux Ihsas Ki dar ha


Contact Me!

If you have any Questions, Comments or Suggestions, please give me a call at 0333-9117650 or send an e-mail to ywrkhan@hotmail.com

King Of Heart ;) Yawar Khan